The Customary Land Podcast
The Customary Land Podcast is about all things relating to the equitable management of customary land. We will be discussing tools and ideas needed to manage, use and equitably maximise interests in land at the interface of custom, tradition and development in its many forms
10 episodes
Riding the Tides of Justice: Indigenous Sovereignty Across the Pacific
This podcast episode “Riding the Tides of Justice: Indigenous Sovereignty Across the Pacific” explores the rising global movement for Indigenous sovereignty, sparked recently by Senator Lidia Thorpe’s powerful call for land justice dur...
Episode 9

Let's go surfing...
In this episode I discuss several of the customary land related reviews initiated in 2023 by the Rabuka led Coalition Government in Fiji. These include:The Review of the Great Council of Chiefs (GCC).And, as foreshadowed by Prof S...
Episode 8

The Republic = The Aboriginal Voice
In this episode I explore how becoming a Republic and crafting a new Constitution fit for purpose in the 2020s offers Australia the perfect opportunity to truly recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 'Voice'. An Australian ...
Episode 7

The Plurality of Registers - Coronation, Aristocracy and Autonomy on Customary Land
Differing worldviews constitute the '
Episode 6

The Valuation of Unregistered Land
In this episode I sit down for a far-reaching conversation about the valuation of unregistered land with Mike McDermott PhD MA FAPI FRSA. Mike is an International Land Policy and Valuation Implementation Consultant who is also the author ...
Episode 5

Leasing Customary Land: Problem or Solution?
Leases are a common tool to enable surplus (or non-reserve) native land, tribal land or customary land to be used productively, be it for primary production, commercial or residential purposes. When properly crafted and managed, leasehold tenur...
Episode 4

Lessons from Timber Creek.
In this episode I sit down with Prof. John Sheehan AM to reflect on and explore lessons from the Timber Creek case.Our far-reaching discussion includes recognition (and extinguishment) of inalienable customary land rights, which are pre...
Episode 3

Who 'Owns' Customary Land?
In this episode we explore who 'owns' Customary Land... and it isn't as obvious as you may think!The episode is built around a paper that I co-authored with a former lawyer colleague, Krishn Shah, in which we explored customary land own...
Episode 2

Let's talk about 'Customary Land' & the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples...
In this episode we introduce 'Customary Land' and use land related articles from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN DRIP 2007) to explain its importance in contemporary society.For example, among the ...
Episode 1