The Customary Land Podcast
The Customary Land Podcast
Trailer - The Customary Land Podcast
The Customary Land Podcast is about all things relating to the equitable management of customary land. We will be discussing tools and ideas needed to manage, use and equitably maximise interests in land at the interface of custom, tradition and development in its many forms.
The Customary Land Podcast is for everyone living on, identifying with and wanting to use or access resources in or on Customary Land. This includes those who identify as ‘landowners’, stewards or guardians, as well as government departments such as Ministries of Land or Resources, tenants living and working on customary land, mining and resource companies wanting to access land, and professional intermediaries such as lawyers or valuers, and trustees. The Customary Land Podcast will also be of interest to aid donors, development agencies, intergovernmental bodies and regional organisations who are involved in supporting development on Customary Land.
Official Launch Date for the Customary Land Podcast is Wednesday 1st March 2023.
If Customary Land is important to you and you want to be part of the Customary Land conversation, make sure to subscribe to the Podcast so that you don’t miss any episodes.
©️ Spike Boydell 2024
Host: Spike Boydell
Website: TheCustomaryLandPodcast.com
Email: contact@thecustomarylandpodcast.com
Royalty free music used in this episode is from my Artlist.io subscription.
DISCLAIMER: The views, insights and opinions shared on the Customary Land Podcast are those of the Host, any Guests, and others they may cite. They do not constitute legal or financial advice and should not be construed as such by any individual, group or organisation. Before undertaking any dealing or action relating to customary land, individuals, groups or organisations should obtain professional advice from a qualified lawyer, experienced valuer and/or certified accountant with specialist expertise in your particular country. Alternatively, you can contact Customary Land Solutions for advocacy, advisory and capacity building solutions for customary and indigenous landowning groups and trusts on land management, leasehold, valuation and resource compensation issues (E: contact@customarylandsolutions.com).